Thursday, February 18, 2021

Poltergeist update Feb 2021

  Just an update on the latest poltergeist activity.  It seems to go "quiet" for a while then start up again.  It was quiet over Christmas (or I didn't notice it) but over the last few weeks stuff has been happening again. I've still got some missing kit, strangly my video light hasn't turned up from ages ago.

More recently a toilet roll moved across the bathroom floor, not rolled, slid! and last week a loaf of bread decided to leave the bread board on my kitchen table, and wander over to the back door several yards away.  

 Now it can't fall from where it is, it's on the back of a table with stuff in front of it, and a kitchen unit behind, and even if it could it would fall by the table, they dont roll really (I tried) No way is it going that far by itself, and I heard it land, I was out the kitchen in seconds, nobody could have moved it and got out of sight before I got there.

 It's really weird, it's not really classic poltergeist stuff, but I don't know what else to call it.  Maybe I should buy some ghost hunting kit, trifield meters and so on?   Not sure I can be arsed if I'm honest.

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