Thursday, February 11, 2021

Clever dogs are expensive!

 Yesterday I mentioned the clever dog turning on my car lights, today I'm going to tell you it's expensive keeping a dog.

 It's not just the cost of feeding, de-flesing and shoe leather walking our smalest family members.... Oh no it's the cost of bloody VET's bills. Billy the dog hasn't been a 100% over the last few weeks, truth be told old age is catching up with him (and me!) in the last month his "treatment" and racked up a bill of around £450, or best part of.  That for a few tablets, and tests. We're not talking surgery or a head transplant, just bloody pills and lotions.   

 Some years back (quite a lot of years if I'm honest) I told a mate with a dog needing shit loads of expensive treatment it was cheeper to buy a new dog, and thats true.  But what it fails to take into accout is a dog isn't just a pet, they become a mamber of the family after a while, and you'd sooner go without yourself than see them suffer an untreated illness.

 Poor old Billy, get well soon, I might need my lights turned on again one day....

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