Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Covid 19 London

 Theres a very courious anomaly in the official figures for covid in London. It's WAY lower than the rest of the country, and a heck of a lot lower than similar sized other cities.
 Now this is odd to say the least. London is a very high density housing area with a large number of ethnic close-nit familys who often live together very closely and tend to have lanrge extended families living together,  This should mean higher rates of infection.
 Now if the figures are correct (more on that later) this suggests far from avoiding each other we should be spending as much time as possible in close contact. Secondly it suggests that the virus is able to "see" a border or area to have a different infection rate on each side of it. This is exactly what Wales and Scotland are saying in effect with different rules based on their own infection rates (which of course defies logic).  Ireland a slightly different case as it's devided from the mainland.
 If the figures are different between say Wales and England it would seem far more likely the difference is down to the methods used to collect the data, rather than the same visus deciding not to cross the seven bridge in numbers and go easy on the people a few yards away the other side of the border.
 As for the London figures if one has a nasty suspicious cynical mind like mine, one could be forgiven for thinking that the countries capital and tourist hotspot is "fiddling" the figures to encourage visitors. Now I'm not saying thats a fact, I don't know. But I do know virus dont act differently in a capital city just because it it's the bloody capital.

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