Monday, November 4, 2019

American Mystery (triangles)

 So what have I learned from watching this program...
 Well I learned I lost 42 minutes of my life.
 I learned a science article on the Bermuda triangle and flight 19 couldn't even get the planes right. Flight 19 was 5 Grumman TBN avenger aircraft. Not a fucking B17 flying fortress as shown in the program see below...

 Frankly if they can't get that right I don't have much faith in the rest of the stories and details.

 I stuck with the program right up to where they talked about  pterodactyls being seen flying around, and I thought, thats enough Wayne, it's a load of bollocks, and not even good bollocks, really shit bollocks...
 Dont bother watching this rubbish, you'd have more fun slicing your own ear off with a bread knife. For even better laughs slice off someone elses ear... (don't actually do this people, it's not a good thing.)

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