Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Flying to Payam? (Iran)

 Thinking of flying to Payam in Iran? Not a problem... unless you happen to be unlucky enough to be on a flight like Tabans Airlines MD 88 on the 16th Nov this year.
 They tried to land at Fat'h airport near bye... twice, by mistake. Fat'h airport only has a 3000 foot runway though, which is about the shortest an MD 88 can land on given idea weight and weather conditions, which this aircraft didn't have.
 Luckly at some point somebody realized they were at the wrong airport and flew to the proper one. You may be unlucky and get a pilot who doesn't realize he's trying to land at the wrong airport which is too small, and one who suffers from "press on itess" as it's called. Determined to land come hell or high water.
 Enjoy your flight....

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