Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Mr's Browns Boys Christmas/New year specials.

I had hopes of this being funny, the stage shows were very funny, sadly the TV show is loosing it's way.
 It's coming across as tired and boring, and just not as funny as it once was.  You can only do the silly Christmas tree gag so often, and this was once too often.
 The cast is just too big for a short program, people just popping in to show their face and leaving, not really anything to do with the  plot, what there is of it.
 Frankly there was one funny moment in the New year special and that was it, and to be fair I'd had a drink before watching it which should have helped.
 Even the "ad-libs" look scripted now, and thats a bad sign.

Waynes rating 3/10  watch if your a die hard fan of Mr's Brown, otherwise give it a miss.

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