Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Star Trek film review

Star Trek 2009. This film is basically a prequel to the old TV series it's shows how Kirk, Spock and the rest meet up and their first mission on the Enterprise.
The film has excellent special effects (as we expect these days) with the fight on the tower giving real "edge of the seat" action.
While Chris Pine (Kirk) isn't exactly a look-alike for good old Bill Shatner, Carl Urban is brilliant as Dr McCoy, he's got him off to a tee! And John Cho and Anton Yelchin (Sulu and Checkov) are pretty good, Simon Pegg sadly hasn't get the accent for Scotty, he's about as convincing as a Scotsman as I am as the next Pope.
The film is good entertainment and action packed, worth a watch.

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