Monday, July 13, 2009


The Olympics are getting closer, they may well prove interesting for all the wrong reasons.
We now live in PC Briton, I can't help wondering what health and safety will make of the games?
I mean throwing the javelin, near people... your joking of course! It will have to have a rubber tip in case it hits anybody, and you'll need third party insurance in case there's a claim.
The shot put, no chance mate, throwing a big heavy weight around, far too risky, maybe a Frisbee instead? then you'll only need safety glasses and hard hats.
Even the starters at risk, first time he pull out the starting gun the armed police will shoot him, probably improves things to be honest. The Olympic flames got to be a fire hazard , then there's the pollution and fumes from it, not to mention the environmental damage.
And my person favorite, the hurdles, definitely a trip hazard, you'd need ramps at the very least.
Those coupled with the terrorist threats, the tube strikes and heaven knows what else should make it an interesting games.

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