Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Swimming and Chillies

I took the boys swimming again today, trouble is I took them to the Afan Lido in Port Talbot, on the grounds it's nearer, cheaper and bigger than the LC2 in Swansea. Mistake! I'd forgotten how bad the place was, half the locker didn't work, the changing rooms were tiny and claustrophobic, and filthy (more later) The pool was ok, although a little chilly.
During our swim they kept making announcements over the tannoy, it sounded like "heeed feeer theee beecch" but partly due to a heavy accent, a rubbish sound system, and the acoustics of a dustbin, it was difficult to tell, I'm told it actually said "head for the beach" trouble is there isn't one, it's a swimming pool, I assume they meant the shallow end, then why not say so?
Why am I bothered, well suppose they needed to tell us something important, we'd never tell what they were ranting on about.
Coming out wasn't a bundle of fun either, the showers were stone cold (great in the winter) and as nobody seemed to be cleaning the changing area it was filthy by then, my cubicle smelt strongly of dog sick, Robs didn't even have a lock on the door. To be honest the place had that run down couldn't care less attitude, and for £10 I expect a little more.

Last time I mentioned chillies, well my mates at the take-away decided to see how tough I was and put some of the Naga chilli in a keema nan for me, only a bit. Wow was it hot, yes it was b****y hot! Wayne

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