Saturday, September 21, 2024

Didn't have a good night last night.


 After I got home I had a bit of a bad night last night.  Been feeling down a lot recently (lifes being a PITA) But last night I had to sort out my camera gear fairly late, I was still charging batteries over night. 

 Then in the early hours, around four was a hell of a bang noise, no idea what it was, but that woke me and I went and checked the house.  Couldnt find anything wrong.

 Anyway, getting back to sleep was a bitch, then I had a bad dream (I often get weird dreams, it's a side effect of my meds, but not bad dreams) so that woke me up about six, after that I gave up, I had to be up at half seven anyway.

 So I'm starting the day tired, and it's going to be a LONG day........  

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