Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Aviation news


Boeing are in the news again.  Following the 737max isues, the door falling off, the wheel falling off and the Starlines issues a new problem has riased it's ugly head.

 Boeings new 777 is having issues.  All  4 of the finished aircraft being used for testing and certification are grounded I'm told.  It seems that cracks were found in the enging mounting brackets, it was first noticed on the aircraft with the lowest number of flight hours (around 120) and only 60 cycles on the airframe.  This is a very low number of hours to be having cracks.

 An A check the most basic is around every 200-300 flights.  A B check around every 8 months, and a C check around every 2 years.  A really serious D check is around every 6-10 years (the planes is stripped right down).

 All 4 of the test aircraft had the similar cracks.



 Theres been a big jump in the number of ultra light/micro light type aircraft crashes, these often suffer a fatality.  Theres no obvious link between the crashes so the cause is unknown on most of these, but usually put down to pilot error if nothing weather or mechanical is found.

 A courious factor in these crashes is many have an emergency parachute.  Yet whatever happens either happens too quickly or too close to the ground for it to be used.

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