Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Met office!


 The British met office... or twats as I call it has done it again.  Yes a forecast of  (big drum roll ) A HEATWAVE!!!!!!!!    Yeah right!  Obviously the met office and the rest of the world have a different idea of what a heatwave is.

The rest of the world classes a heatwave as a long hot dry spell.  Indeed the dictonary says "A wave of hot weather"  The met office on the other hand classes a heatwave as several hours of sunshine, on a cold windblown day.   Not exactly fucking hot then is it?  The word HEAT in heatwave should be a clue guys.

 Shut it down and save the money.  The forecasts are a joke, flipping a coin will get you at least as good a chance of being right as the joking forecast.

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