Monday, April 15, 2024

Aviation news.


 A light aircraft crashed in Brazil this week, the two people on board survived but the aircraft was destroyed by the post crash fire.  Nothing unusual about that I hear someone say. 

 Well the aircrafts verification certificate ran out in 2017... 7 years ago.  So if your on holiday abroad and fancy a flight, good luck.  

Some countries are better than others at checking aircraft safety and pilots qualifications. One national airline abroad was found not too long ago to have I think it was 26 flight crew with faked or dodgy certificates.  Their licences were either fake or they'd had someone else take the test for them.

 These people were flying large passenger aircraft all over the world.  Not supprising it only came out after a plane crashed because the crew made a right pigs breakfast of trying to land.  They died as did most of the passengers.

 Happy holidays!!!

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