Monday, November 13, 2023

Beyond Skinwalker ranch


 The series Skinwalker ranch has a follow up show called beyond skinwalker ranch.  here a team of "experts" go checking other strange happenings on ranches near skinwalker.

 Where do I start!  Well it's on the History channel so that telsls us A theres no history and B it's going to be shit (and it is)  The so called reality series is about as real as an intergalitic ice cream van.  Clearly scripted with all the fake bullshit drama added to make it look exciting.  Seriously it's so bad it's a comedy (like expedition bigfoot)  even the cast are a joke.

 Theres an ex CIA agent Andy Bustamante who goes around saying "when I was in the CIA" rather like uncle Albert from only fools and horses used to say "when I was in the war".  As an inteligence agency the CIA must be rubbish, all their agents go about telling eveybody about it.  And having seen this guy in actions God help the USA if the CIA are guarding it.

 Then theres  Dr Travis Taylor, an actual PHD, there to lend a hint of science to the whole thing.  Mind as a scientist he didnt seem to know putting a compass on top of a radio means you wont get a proper reading, so maybe not the best expert they could have got.  He also looks silly with a sunburnt face and white eyes from his sunglasses, he looks like a negative of the loan ranger.

 I really dont know why the networks who used to make proper programs make this utter rubbish.  It does nothing for real science, and watching it will make your IQ get lower it's so dumb.

Remember I watch this shite so you dont have to.

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