Sunday, July 16, 2023

Why reinvent the wheel?


Seriously, why the constant need to "make things better" and mostly things that no longer work?

 Why am I having a rant?  Well my bathroom is the answer.  I've redecorating and have more or less done the bathroom, the toilet roll holder needed replacing so we bought a new one.  How hard can that be?

 Not esy is the answer, or the local shops had plenty, all arty-farty chrome and glass all clever, what they didnt have was a simple roll holder with a screw at each end.  Oh no!  chrome and glass is modern, better ect.  Except it just isnt.

 The old holder lasted for years, two bloody great screws holdng a wooden roller at each end..  The now one uses a single screw in the middle, at least thats the idea.  Except the roll and the holder is fastened to that screw by one tine grub screw, honestly it should be in a watch or camera.

 Why?, it now swivels about it's center hanging point despite being tightened as much as possible.  At what point during the design and development and the tooling up and building of these things did nobody say "hang on, theres not much holding that together?"  "Thats not going to last long!"

 It's like the terrible remakes of classic films, Oh I know Get Carter was a great film in 1971, lets remake it 29 years later and make it shit, or the bloody awful Swalows and Amazons remake.

 So I'm going to reinvent the wheel, I'm going to make it hexagonal.  The fact it will be shit doesnt matter, some dozy company will still happily make it and because the old boring round wheel will vanish off the market I'll clean up with loads of sales.  lets face it who wouldn't want a glass and chrome 6 sided wheel?  

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