Tuesday, March 7, 2023

NHS still a shambles.


 Yet again I had the fun of an ambulance ride to a hospital, and the shambles that passes for the Welsh NHS.  Oh joy!

 Well this time the ambulance only took a few hours to arrive, unlike the 12 hours or so it took last time.  To be totally fair the crews are not the problem, they are just as pissed off as the casualty.

 The ambulance came and took my mother to hospital (again) this time I spent part of the trip applying pressure to stop a minor bleed.  It wasnt major or life threating, the crew would have sorted that but seening me apply pressue the paramedic asked if I was ok dealing with it, I explained I was good and better placed to get at her during the run.  It stopped after a few minutes pressure.

 The problem really start after arriving at casualty, it's a shambles, crew take her in, then she sits of their trolly... for hours.  Nobody knows whats happening, crew sit there like spare parts looking after my mother, as it seems the no nurses or beds to do the job.

 Yet again 6 ambulances sit outside a casualty department and decent size hospital as they cant make room for a bed.  yet during covid, my local health area had over 2 thousand for the mass covid casualties, and only a few were used.  Time to set these up again if you ask me.

 Eventually after the patient, the crew and my family festered, they found a bed... this by sending a woman with a spinal compression (fairly serious injury) off in the ambulance we came in.. to Cardiff.  Bloody miles away.  Hope she was alright.

 So while our bumbling politicians, waffle and dream up new stupid ways of making our lives harder and more expensive, and of course fiddling their expensise and getting their moats cleaned on the taxpayers cash.  

 While they are rushed to hospital and waiting doctors on Bupa.  We lay in the road for 16 hours in the rain wondering where the fuck the ambulance is.  

 It's here sitting outside what jokingly passes for a hospital with no beds, so the patient has to either wait in the ambulance, or more stupidly.  Wait in the hospital on the ambulance trolly with the crew lookibg after the patient... in the fucking hospital.  So it's off the road doing bugger all while we lay there in pain.

 If only a few minsters had to wait like that, then the system would be fixed.

5 of the six ambulances that sat outside Bridgend hospital ALL EVENING!!

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