Saturday, July 17, 2021

More Covid stupidity!


 While talking to a friend the other day she showed me her COVID vaccination card, all well and good.... Except it's totally different to mine!

 Now we both had the same vaccination at the same place within days of each other, yet the cards look very different, mines around the size if the old passport and stiff card, her's is more like thick paper and the size of a credit card.  Now the NHS's official reason for these cards is "

An NHS COVID Pass shows your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination details or test results. This is your COVID-19 status.

You may be asked to show your pass to get into some events, where the COVID Pass is being trialled, or to travel abroad."

 Now as the card is being used to prove you've had the vaccination it might make more sense to have a standard card, and theres no good reason why not.   

 In the UK where I live a bit over 34 million have had the jab.  Now that sounds a lot of cards to print, except the Daily Mail newspaper prints very nearly a million papers a DAY!,  Thats full newspapers, not a small card.  One page size would probaby print maybe 50 cards?  A few days or a week or three at a large printers could probably knock out the millions needed.

 Now your probably wondering why it matters, it matters because it's now really easy to fake a covid card, as nobody knows for sure what they all look like you dont even have to go to the trouble of forging one, just make something similar and it's good enough.

 Indeed over a 150 million Americans apparently have forged COVID cards (I couldn't find a figure for the UK)  But you get the idea.

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