Sunday, November 15, 2020

TV programs are driving me insane!

Yes TV programs are driving me to the point of murder! Why cant tv companies make a program that doesn't repeat the last part of the program every time theres an advert break? If the bloody viewers can't remember what happened 4 minutes ago what make you think they'll remember it this time, my God who is the program aimed at? Alzheimers sufferers? retrograde amnesia patients? of the mayfly tv association? Seriously how fucking dumb do people need to be to forget what happened before the bloody adverts? I just watched a program and they repeated the story 5 fucking times (after each ad break) I gave up in the end, I was never going to find out what happened in the end. People are dying of old age before the program gets to the point. Boring and slow dont come close. And another thing. When your making a program about a murder follow the bloody murder story! I dont want the towns history, or the victims school grades and a list of their jobs since college... it's got fuck all to do with the murder. I want to know who died, how they died and who did it!. Not what famous people went to their school, and what coffee they drink.. Think about it, the court didn't hear this crap for a reason... IT'S NOT THE MURDER! Lastly ghost hunting programs (I've mentioned these before)Calling a place the haunted house of horror and filming a dopy fat bloke in the dark is hardly gripping tv. Not helped by the moron fronting the program saying things like did you hear a faint voice.... NO I bloody didn't! and with a tv crew and hangers on even if I did hear a voice it's probably one of them. Why are you filming in the pitch dark? Don't ghost like the light... Funny then how most sightings are in the fucking daytime.

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