Sunday, January 19, 2020

More weird stuff happening?

 Ok I've mentioned my poltergeist in the past, and the odd things that seem to happen in my house. This morning yet another weird thing happened.
 This time a shampoo bottle moved on it's own. Now I'm not talking finding it in the wrong place, I'm talking actually seeing it move by itself. Yes! It moved on it's own.
 I just happened to be looking at it and it moved about 2 inch's (50mm) all by itself. It just slid sideways across the window ledge.
 Now I'm not bonkers... well ok maybe just a bit, but not that bonkers that I'm seeing things, it clearly moved as I was looking at it. Now I know earthquakes move stuff, I've felt 2 over the years, but not today. The window ledge it was on wsy dry and theres the usual crap you get on a bathroom window ledge, shampoo, toothbrushes etc, only the one shampoo bottle moved and it wasn't one that had been used recently anyway.
 So whats going on, is it my poltergeist playing silly buggers again? I can't think of anything else that could really cause this to happen they way it did.
 Now I'm not too bothered, whatever it is isn't harming anyone. I'm not loosing sleep worrying about whether my house is haunted or not either. I don't even mind it moving stuff a few inchs. It's when it hides stuff it's a bloody royal pain in the arse.
 Maybe I should buy a ghost hunting camera and see if I can pick anything up?

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