Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Expedition bigfoot series one last episode... what have we learned?

Well with the last of 8 episodes over we've learned a few things, I'll sum them up..
 A team of experts consists of an ex army guy, the animal expert who knows very little about animals except apes, and hasn't even bother to look up what species are local to the area shes working.
 We've learned the team leader like to hide out 30 miles away in a cabin.
 We've learned this elite team of experts clearly haven't done any research on the area of operation.
 We've learned that in the middle of a so called isolated area theres several cabins, lots of logging roads and a surprisingly modern looking cemetery.
 We've discovered this team have about the worst thermal imaging cameras I've ever seen, the newest versions are amazingly good quality and have excelent detail, as does the latest night vision kit. Sadly the team have neither, but then good kit means we'd see the crew member playing bigfoot.

  In the last episode they find a mine, just as they are about to enter bigfoots hide-out... panic, stop dont go it!!! Its too dangerous.. it's a cinnabar mine, the most dangerous in the world....  Well except A we dont know if it is actually a cinnabar mine, B it's got a well worn path into both entrances of the mine showing a lot of use.
 Now to be fair cinnabar is actually dangerous (mostly because it leaks mercury) but the miners worked there for years before suffering any effects, and theres loads of youtube videos of people exploring cinnabar mines and living.
 So as they cant go in they send in a drone, with predictable results, blurred rubbish video, a possible bigfoot nest, drone shaking as if something is shaking it (I wonder who) then they loose contact with the drone. The company supplying they drone dont seem terrible worried though. Anyway long story shot they regain contact and get the drone out.

 They end the show on a distant blured figure walking through the trees, yes it could be a person says the "leader" but we've been here three weeks and seen nobody.  Which all sounds fair.... until you remember the reason they chose this area in the first place we because it was a sighting hotspot at this exact time of year, a three week window in fact. So if no bugger goes there, who the fuck made all the bigfoot sighting reports????

Waynes rating, good entertainment value, 5/10 dont expect to ever see a bigfoot though, this bunch of clowns couldn't find a brick in a bucket

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