Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Socks the new Houdini!

 I was opening a packet of new socks this morning and the penny dropped. socks are the new Houdini.
 We all know socks vanish.  They escape from the washing machine, they vanish off the line. Even leaving them tucked in your shoes at night is asking for one to have gone "AWOL" in the morning. Most of us wonder where the bloody hell a sock went overnight but forget it later.
 Well this morning opening a new packet I realized even the sock manufactures know the truth, that socks "escape" back to planet sock... or wherever they hell they go.
 What made me realize was the fact the socks were in a cardboard box (sealed), inside that the 5 pairs (why 5 theres 7 days in a week?) each pair had another cardboard tab holding them together with a plastic clip thing. To make sure they didn't escape in transit then then sewed each pair together with what appears to be unbreakable fishing line.
 How long have sock makers been keeping the secret of sock escapes from us???
 Is it a conspiricy?
 Do the sock sneak home to the manufactures to be resold?
 Will we every learn the turth of where they go.
 Will I stop taking the piss.....   No.  

 But seriously where the fuck do socks go???

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