Saturday, September 27, 2014

Don't blink 2014 (review)

The story starts off like most slasher movies, a group of young people arrive at a country retreat and find it abandoned, of course they are all out of petrol and are stranded there.   That's where the story starts to vary from the usual slasher type movies, instead of gory murders we have people just vanishing.  It's only at the very end that you sort of find out whats happening (can't give too much away) 
Personally I found the film tedious, there was a lot of talking and arguing, and very very few supprises, even the ending I'd seen coming from way back.
Still it's different from the normal gore on the floor horror films so you have to give it credit for that.

Waynes rating 5/10 if your a horror fan and fancy something different, but don't expect to be scared.

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