Saturday, June 30, 2012

Whale wars Viking shores 2 (update)

Well in yesterdays episode the Sea Shepherd tieam were threatened by two drunk lads and had to call the police to be rescued.... Well perhaps threatened wasn't the right word, the drunk really just made a pain of himself (like all drunks)and the crew panicked and over reacted, if they'd been really threatened they could simply have put to sea (maybe change the name to docks shepherd?) well they do spend most of their time tied up in port.
They whinged about the police "nobody ever gets arrested in this country" maybe Paul Watsons glad of that, he didn't get arrested either, although to be fair he bravely waited till the warrent for him had expired before returning to the islands.
They tried very hard to stir up the local people, who seem very calm and placid to me, certainly not as excitable as the OTT crew of the sea shepherd who panic at everything.
Funniest bit of the episode was the microlight plane, they flew it around for a bit with the pilot saying how dangerous the islands were due to tricky winds, then they found out it's illegal to fly a microlight in the Faroes for just the reasons the pilot said earlier.   Maybe you should have checked first guys!

I'm sorry guys, I really do support your fight against the Japanese whaling, but the Foroes case seems very different, here the whale concerned isn't endangered and it's an important part of the locals diet.
Your people are doing you no good with the way they are behaving, they are carrying on like a bunch of spoiled students, you should be trying to win over the local people and get them on side, not piss off everybody who you meet, including a LOT of viewers, I haven't met anyone here (in the UK) who isn't disgusted with the behaviour of your crew. 
You'll never get international support if you start going around behaving like eco terrorists.

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