Monday, May 16, 2022

Missing item turned up!


  I've mentioned a few times on here things going missing and returning in an odd place (all too often) last week it was a flash diffuser, ok I suppose it is just possible that somehow I managed to miss it in my camera bag (more detail in a recent post) but among other things that have gone missing is a video light, that hasn't been seen for a few years now.  The other is a mictophone.

 I've mentioned it seems video related stuff that goes walkabout mostly, the light, a microphone, a video light bracket a long time ago (that turned up in a weird place) the last thing apart from the flash diffuser was a lapel clip on microphone, the sort of thing you see on tv clipped to an announcers shirt.

 That vanished a few months back, I'd searched the house, gone through every camera bag, every place I have camera stuff, and I'd gone through them a few times.  No bloody mikerophone.  Now this wasn't terrible, I do have another on camera mike, and indeed I don't use that a lot these days.

 Anyway fast forward to saturday and looking for something else I went through a survival kit, this isn't the little tin sort but a decent size army belt pouch thing with a mess tin inside and all sort of stuff.... inside was also my missing microphone.  What!  Why , how?  Theres no way I'd put a fairly delicate microphone in a pouch full of metal and torches and all sorts of stuff.  So how it got in there is anybodies guess.  my prime suspect is the poltergeist.

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