Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Alaskan killer bigfoot episodes 3 and 4.


 Ok I really don't know where to start with this.  Remember, I only watch this so you don't have to!

 Well our intrepid "heros" are joined by a fourth stooge who has brought his dogs with him as an early warning to bigfoot.  He keeps saying things like the dogs are nervous.... Yes they probably are.  Dogs are great at picking up their owners feeling, if the owner is shitting himself the dogs pick that up and get scared.

 As for our stooges and the bear guard, I've never seen a group like them.  These are NOT the group I'd have chosen to investigate a possible killer bigfoots playground.  Now I might pick them for say a childs tea party, or maybe walking the dog in the local park (if they had an adult with them and the dog wasn't important to me).  I'd definiely pick them for the special Olympics.  For finding a dangerous animal.... Hell no!

 In episode three they brought in a local medium (looked more like a large to me) to pick up on the spirits in the area, this fountian of knowledge came up with "I get the feeling someone died here", Wow! all that from being a local and the whole bloody area knowing the village was closed after mysterious deaths, hell I could have told them that and I've never even visited the country.

 OK Alaskan killer bigfoot producers, an real open callenge.  Pay my air fair and food, give me an SLR 7.62 and a Ruger .357 magnum and I'll investigate the area for you.  I mean this!  

 I'll map it alone for you, and if theres a bigfoot I'll try and get you proof.  But if you play silly bugger and have someone playing bigfoot in a suit or shit like that make sure he's insured. Because I don't take prisoners (technically you have to feed and provide medical care for prisoners of war) and I'm not doing that crap, bang  bang...  job done.

Thats a serious offer.

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