Saturday, May 23, 2020

Disaster kit

 Many were caught out by the Covid pandemic, shortages of things, panic buying.  But many already had a disaster kit.  Some call them preppers, in my day they were called survivalists, essentially the same thing.
 The trick is planning ahead, done over a few months this need not cost too much, but come the zombie apocalypse, or the next virus it'll come in bloody handy.
 Start with food, things like pasta and rice are filling, tins also keep for years, add some flower and yeast and you have the makings of bread. Dont forget things like salt and pepper, curry powder is another handy thing to liven up bland food.
 Water is another essential, you'll need a fair bit, plus purification tablets and large containers for the longer term, think about harvesting rain water in barrels.
 Household items, these often get overlooked. Tin openers, yes you can saw the top off the tin with your "rambo" knife but a tin opener is easier (and you dont look a twat) washing liquid and whatever you use for washing clothes, a few months supply at least, matches and candles (plenty) batteries and a solar panel charger for phones.  The power could be off for weeks or months so plan for it. Camping stoves and LOTs of fuel (only use in well ventilated areas unless you want to kill yourself)
 In this group I'd add spare glasses if you need them, and lots of spare medication if you take any, failing that look up natural alternatives so at a push you can get something to ease your blood presure or whatever.
 Tools, now this might sound odd but if garages are shut you may need to fix things, in the long term know where to find really old cars that dont have all the electronic crap you cant fix on them, then when the sky falls in you "liberate" an old land rover or morris 1000.
 Other tools are essential, axe and folding saw for firewood, hammer and nails  and boards for boarding up windows (those pesky zombies will get in otherwise) files and draw knives and basic woodwork tool are not easy to make, and in a long term situation they'll be needed.
 Then we come to the dodgy tools, crowbars, bolt croppers grapple hooks and ropes, small handpumps and lots of plastic tubing (for obtaining fuel) and if you know how to use them lockpicks.  Now some of these are not legal to carry or own depending on where you live.  Keep in mind this is for after the apocalypse has happened, law and order will have broken down and it's every cat for him or her self.
 That  is by no means a full list, think of what you use daily and what you'd need in most situations, and start stocking up.... You think life was a bitch with lockdown?  Wait till the zombies arrive....       

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