Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wuhan coronavirus spreading... not supprisied

 Well the UK NHS is worried about the spread of the coronavirus, and it should be. But it's being made MUCH worse by the total lack of care and infection contral of the NHS itself.
 This week I spent the best part of two days in various hospitals and surgeries. What have I learned?
 Well the hospital does ask patients of they have been to Italy on arrivial, although neither I my son or brother were asked any questions. Not to mention the virus is in other countires as well as Italy.
 Then theres casualty. 6 to 8 hours in a small crammed waiting room with half the people in there coughing over the other half. No attempt to seperate them, no attempt to give them masks, not even advising them to cover the mouths when coughing.
 Next up we have the staff (some coughing) they went around the bloody waiting room checking blood pressure and patients sats (oxygen levels) they did this by going from patient to patient without washing hands or cleaning the equipmen between them. Great way to spread infection.
 Nearly as bad was seeing a paramedic use the toilet and not bother washing his hands after, FFS thats basic stuff.  How the hell do they expect to stop the spread of a virus if they cant even bloody wash their hands in a sodding hospital!
 Seriously the NHS need to learn basic infection control, and actually practice it.
 It would be hard to think of a better way to spread a virus then have hospitals behave like this. makes you wonder what their agenda is.

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