Tuesday, September 10, 2019

An univited guest and more weird stuff in the house!

 First the uninvited guest.
 About a week ago my youngest son told me there was a really big spider in the bathroom. A search failed to find it.  I kept a lookout but all was quiet for the best part of a week. Then the other night I'm in bed and I get a knock on the bedroom door "spideys back" say my son. Into the bathroom I go and there he is sitting in the bath.
 Now to be fair this is the time of year spiders come into houses to mate, but this was a REALLY big spider. In all seriousness this was the biggest spider not counting a tarantula I've ever seen. It was close to full grown tarantula size. Lets put it this way it only just fitter inside a kitchen  measuring jug. Freaking huge!
I popped it out the bathroom window, so be warned, it's still alive and kicking ass.

 I've mentioned odd things happening in my house before, today it happened again. In my kitchen I have a normal swingtop rubbish bin, and a second smaller bin for recycling stuff, this sits on a raised box near the stove... well it has for about three years. This morning when I went out to take the dog to the vet it was there as usual. This afternoon when I got home it was still there. I had a cuppa and a sandwich, went back for a second cuppa after dinner and the bloody thing was standing in front of the back door... WTF!
 Now theres no way it could have got where it was by accident, if an earthquake had happened it would have fallen off and tipped up (the box thing it's on is a good 6 inchs high, too high to get off without tipping), and it's moved a few feet across the floor as well.
 Buggered if I know whats going on.

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