Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The mysterious case of the dissappearing slug...

 The mysterious case of the disappearing slug..
 No it's not the title of a good old fashioned radio Goon show (for those old enough to remember them) nor is it the title of Enid Blytons latest children's book. No this is a real case.
 You see last night as part of my getting fit I went for a fair walk locally. On arriving home about 10.30pm I noticed a HUGE slug on the inside of my front door. Now I don't know how he got in but I had brought the food bin in earlier, so it's possible he'd been on that.
 Anyway being a sweaty mess I grabbed a cuppa and a sit down before dealing with the slug. After all he was half way up my front door and as you never see slug racing, I figured he'd be safe enough for 20 minutes or so.
 So after my cuppa I go to remove said slug and...  Yes your guessed it, the bastard has vanished.  Seriously, he's totally bloody vanished, I searched the hall, my son joined in and we both thoroughly searched the hall and front door area with good lights. Not trace of slug.
 Ok I know I had a cuppa but it's a freaking slug, how fast can it be?. This bastard should be in the 3.30 at Heydock park or the bloody Grand National.
Long story short another search this morning has still failed to find the git.
 I'll update you if theres any news on the Lord Lucan of slugs.

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