Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Good news and bad news!

 First the bad news. "Not" Finding Bigfoot has returned to our screens for a tenth season.

 Now the good news. Bigfoot is totally and utterly safe.

 Bigfoot is safe because this bunch have less chance of finding a real life Bigfoot (if he exists) than I have of finding a flock of Aardvarks in my fridge... and trust me on this, I've looked very carefully.
 This season though I suspect things might get "interesting".   You see the series was nearly canceled due to what was called "lack of progress.  IE Not finding Bigfoot, and considering the shows title is finding Bigfoot thats a bit of a drawback, indeed some would call it a major flaw.
 Thing is it got so bad people were taking the piss out of the show, theres a number of videos on youtube spoofing it, indeed I even did one.
 So this year I think the team will have to produce the goods in order to keep the fans watching, and the money coming in.  This means finding a Bigfoot by hook or by crook.... my moneys on crook. So at some point "Bigfoot" will make some sort of appearence, probably either a distant shot or more likely show up on the thermal camera.
 Keep this in mind, lets see if my prediction comes true.

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