Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Save us from geeks!!! And cows.

The tech geeks at Apple have been working on a solution for broken screens on Iphones... And the one they come up with is brilliant!  I must admit I wouldn't have thought of it.
Their plan is very simple... Well in a geeky sort of way!
The plan is to fit the Iphones with a sensor that detects when it's dropped, then a gyroscope inside rotates the phone (rather like a cat falling rights itself) so it falls safest side down, then it's thought a compressed gas canister will fire to act as a retro rocket to slow the phone down at the last second before impact.
As I said brilliant!  Personally I'd have done it the easy way and fitted a polycarbonate screen instead of wafer thin glass, but then what do I know.
And people wonder why an Iphone costs £500.... Guess!

An analogy.
Some years back the British army were having problems with cows, yes seriously!  You see cows were going and giving away observation posts (op's as the army calls them)) by gathering around them, this drew attention to the op.  Now the army called in experts, they had psychologists, vets, camouflage experts, they spent months trying different things.  The vets said the cows were nosey, the psychologists thought the soldiers were seen as a cow gods (you couldn't make this stuff up)  The camouflage people said cows can see in infra red so they could see through the camouflage around the op, which the vets disagreed with. 
The fact was whatever they tried failed, then someone got the bright idea to ask the farmer who's cows they were using for the test.
He told them the cows knew there were people in the op, and people fed them, so they went where they thought they would get fed.
Sometimes the easy answer is not getting too clever, go for the easiest solution, it's usually cheaper as well.
Rotating retro firing phones FFS!!!

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