Saturday, January 11, 2014

Benefits street

What can you say, C4 plumbs new depths with Benefits street, the program which teaches viewers how to shoplift among other things is appalling. 
Taking advantage of the local people isn't new to C4, one only has to look at programs like the un-datable and other C4 programs where the poor subjects are made to look stupid and  exploited, but showing them actually trying to commit a crime is going to far.  Benefits street showed how to make a bag to fool the shops anti shoplifting devices and how to remove the security tags, it then went on to show one person actually trying the door of a tesco delivery van (if I was tescos I'd be pretty pissed off)  Thats more or less aiding and abeting, and certainly Ofcom should be putting a stop to this terrible excuse for a program

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