Sunday, November 24, 2013

Films that should never have been made.

Air Force One.   Or air farce one as it's known by most, why Harrison Ford made this garbage is beyond me, he really must have needed the money.  The film is cheesy and corny in the extreme. Lets face it the secret service let the terrorists board air force one then only the president can fight them off, what a joke, some of them can only just tie their own shoelaces.

Rambo 2-3-4-ect  While the original film First Blood was passable and well filmed, the follow ups were terrible.  Obviously some bright spark had the idea 'well we've got Rambo, what about having him rescue pows.fight Russia/ etc etc etc' the trouble is they were badly filmed, had no real plot and Stallone isn't what most people would call a good actor.

All horror films made in almost total darkness.  Why for God's sake?  I know the idea is the characters can't see the bad guy coming, but then neither can the bloody audience, so it's not very scary as we can't work out whats happening.

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