Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chernobyl Diaries (film review)

I watched this  a few days ago, while an original and clever idea I found it disappointing.  The locations were stunning, looking a lot like Pripyat (may have been filmed there?) the film was let down by the acting and the fact it was mostly filmed in gloom-vision (bloody darkness)  The characters with the exceptions of the Russian tour guide were one dimensional and unconvincing, to be honest I didn't really care they were getting killed.
Much of the film is at night so it was actually hard to see what was happening, people screaming and flashing torches at camera don't really add much tension, which was a shame because the story had such great possibility.
Plot holes.   
Why would the tour guide a one man business (his words) have a walkie-talkie, who is he going to call? and beside as ex special forces he'd know the radio only has a range of about 2 or 3 km, and with the nearest checkpoint 22km away why try to contact them
Why would a simple town have such an elaborate underground system, at one point I did wonder if they were on the way to the centre of the earth they went so deep.

Waynes rating 5/10 worth watching for the scenery and the original concept.

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