Saturday, January 7, 2023

Aviation news

 Worrying new trend.   Comercial aircraft do sometimes suffer a cracked windscreen, theres usually a few a year reported, whilst a risk the windows are armoured glass, similarish to bullitproof glass.  The worrying part is over the last few weeks theres been about 20+ reported cases, thats a HUGE spike in numbers.

 While the crack on it's own isn't too bad, the real risk is if the crack is around the screws holding the window in, windows have blown out under pressure, and in one case a crew member was sucked half out the window.  He was lucky, he survived, the plane was near the airport and landed quickly.  If it happens way out over the ocean there could be a problem.

 I dont know if this is caused by a fauty batch of windows, poor maintenance or other factors, but it needs to be sorted out before a plane comes down with loos of life.

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