Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Panasonic lumix insane lens

 I've been lent an FZ82 (I think) made by panasonic, the camera has a x60 zoom, it's the equivenient of a 20mm to 1200 mm ona film camera or full frame sensor.

 It's just bonkers, sadly it's let down by the small sensor which limits quality and much worse the interface.

 Over the years I've had a lot of cameras, and during training handled pretty much most of the digital and compacts around, this is just plain different. It's weird, it's seems the menu items change around and items appear and vanish, and the camera just does things on it's own.  It's not just greyed out options, you get that on most cameras in one mode or another (eg Canon usually has no raw option in the scene modes) things like that this is just bloody hard work.

 If it wasn't for the interface I'd buy one tomorrow, the qualitys fine for the blog (as you can see in the pics of hang gliders I posted) but I couldn't live with the menu and trying to work out what the fuck it's going to do next.

 I honestly don't know if this is the way it's designed or if this one has a fault of some sort.  If it by design then the person who designed it need better medication if you ask me.

 Now the pics, sadly I've had very little time to actually play with the camera.

 Heres three pics shot of a local house, the first is at the 20mm wide setting the lamp is in the circle under the arrow, the second is at 1200mm the last is at 2400mm using the digital zoom, not great quality but thats a bonkers reach for something that small and about £300

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