Sunday, October 18, 2020

Dueling owls!

No I'm not talking Harry Potter, and I'm not totally barking... yet (ok I'm close). No I'm talking dueling owls. Think of the dueling banjos from the 1972 film Deliverence and your getting close. I have a number of owls living in the trees near my house, a few nights now I've had the owls dueling with owl noises, you know the ‘twit twoo’ sound but at least 3 ‘twit twoo’ having a go. They are also real close, it's quite loud with the windo open. That said I don't mind too much, I like country sounds. Oh incidently the dueling banjos wasn't made for the Deliverence movie, it goes back to 1954 and composed by Arthur "guitar boogie" Smith as a bluegrass tune. It's first big public viewing was the Andy Griffiths show in 1963. The movie version also led to a lawsuit as it was used without permission. The movie version was arrenged and played by Eric Weissberg and Steve Mandell. It even reached number one on several song hit lists.

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