Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Survivalists, preppers, long term outlook....

Survivalists, preppers, long term outlook.
 Those of you who have followed my blog will know I have survival training in my past, and indeed like to be prepared. Thing is I see lots of prepper forums and my God theres some rubbish takled on them.

(1)  People need six months food minimum.  Ok a good idea for short term local emergencies, but in the long term whats your plan when that runs out? Do you know how to grow food and how long a crop takes to mature? How will you grow food in contaminated soil?
 Even farmers tend to stick to one or two types of crop, growing a wide range of food is time consuming and labour intensive.

(2)  Get a 4x4 bug out vehicle, some suggest an old army armoured land rover.  Yes except it's heavy, murder on fuel, landies have a somewhat checkered reliability record at best. Then of course there the how do you get through the blocked roads after the apocalypse?  Yes you could ram a few cars out of the way but even a hotspure armoured landie will only take to much battering before bits start falling off.
A motorbike might be a better choice, a scrambler could even go across country, but they are noisy so no chance of sneaking up on those pesky zombies.  But then in the long term can you make petrol or modify the vehicle to run on simple alcohol or even wood gas?

 (3)  Build a bunker. Again good for the short term but bunkers have a few fundamental problems. One and it's a biggie is if anyone can find it your in big trouble. You can't really defend it easily from inside, and the attackers have the advantage of starving you out, flooding the place or cutting off the air supply. Thats assuming they cant get in, and they will. You can cut through pertty much anything given time, you may have a two foot thick armoured door but how solid are the walls if they dig to those?  You only need a small hole, a hose and a car exhaust and it's goodnight Vienna to those inside.
 Of course you still have to come out eventually, then your back to growning food etc etc.

Survival works fine in the short term, living off the land for a few weeks on months, but not many would survive longer than that.

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