Friday, February 17, 2012

The woman in black (film review)

Went to see this a few days back, so here's my review.

Made by Hammer it bears little similarity to the earlier hammer films.
The story, a young lawyer travels to a remote village where he discovers the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman is terrorizing the locals.

Staring Daniel Radcliff the film is set in a creepy house in a creepy village, the film is dark and moody without being too dark to see the action, the film is genuinely scary although sadly the director has chosen to put in lots of things to make the viewer "jump" this is unnecessary and for me spoilt the film.
Having adrenaline dumped into your body every five minutes isn't actually very healthy, sooner or later somebodies going to have a heart attack and they will get sued. And it's not needed, the film would be much better without the distractions in my opinion.
Daniel is very good in this film, it gives him a chance to show he has real talent for acting
A face from the past who makes a brief appearence is Victor McGuire (Ron from the tv series goodnight sweetheart and Jack in Bread)

Waynes rating 6/10 (would have got an 8 if it wasn't for the silly making you jump nonsense)

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