Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Why is everything so slow now? Or is it just me...


I thought all this tech stuff was supposed to make the world easier and faster, but it doesnt seem to be working for me..

Yesterday, I had to pick up a blood test fprm from the surgery, get a perscription from the chemist next door and buy a loaf of bread from a shot 75 yards away.  yet it took over an hour.

The surgery reception was unmanned (it's never manned) they haven't figured out what the word reception means, then a computer search took 10 minutes, followed by a search through a box to find the test form.

The chemist was a same.  A busy chemist and all the staff chatting in the back ignoring the queue of customers waiting.  Yet another computer search, followed by a search of the shelves fround my perscrtiption, another 20 minutes of life gone.

2 minute walk to the shop, another2 minutes to get bread and a 20 minutes to wait while they try to get a self checkout to work.

Getting 3 items all within a 2 minuter walk of each other and a 10 minute drive took me over an hour.

I can do a weeks shop in that time and drive to a supermarket and back

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