Over the last week I've found something thats been missing for years, then lost it again., and had some odd days...
So a few days ago I found a flash trigger (for camera flashguns) that I must have bought 40 years ago, it's an optical trigger, the flash from another fhash fires the one plugged into this small gadget. It's in a small case of it's own. Anyway after finding it I put it safe to add to a box of other flash slaves, clamps ect. Now it's buggered off again!
My back has been giving me HELL! Those who follow the blog know I have a long standing back problem, at the moment it's really bad, I'm dosed up on painkillers and pissed off. But thats life.
People say photography is glamours. Photographers spend all their time photographing super models, on tropical beaches and getting paid a ton of money.... Errrr, NO! So what have I photographed this week.... some trees and sewage. No that is right ,SEWAGE! Sewage and used sanitry towel waste.
Stinking and grotty, oh the joy of standing on the tropical.....Errr road, the beautiful super.... errrr shit. Oh yes the glamours lifestyle, the fast cars, casinos, the smell.. Oh god the smell.... Actually no fast car, no casino, just shit and the smell....
There are times when being a photographer is fun, a pretty girl, a nice location, or a smashing sunset, a moody landscape, a field of sunflowers. Yes great, but the truth is mostly photography is boring. Another bride, another plate of food, or worse if your a studio phootographer another screaming baby.
Yes photography, not exactly Monte Carlo, more Monty's desert rats......
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