Lots of people have a bad memory, especially as they get older. Mine isn't what it was 50 years ago, hardly supprising really.
The neurons in your brain are very clever, but they do die, and get deseased. Parkinsons desease for example. The neurons that make the neurotransmitter dopamine die off in the basal ganglia (the part of the brain that controls movement) In Alzheimers desease unusual protins build up around the neurons inthe neocortex, the area that contols memory.
Anyway all that aside, there are jobs where having a bad memory isn't a problem, making pillows or growing cale maybe. In other jobs having a bad memory is a bad thing, possibly a VERY BAD THING!
Take air traffic controllers for example, keeping up or where 25 planes are in a small area of sky and what hight they are flying at is important, some would say very bloody important. same goes for brain surgery, or a pilot. And maybe a gas fitter?...
Now I know your wondering where the hell is Wayne going with this? Well the answer is simple, the last twice my gas boiler has been serviced the engineer has left something behind, yes easy enough to do I admit, but as the bloke is playing about with gas... the stuf that goes bang very loudly when lit it's a slight concern.
I've had the doubios pleasure of being blown out of bed by a gas explosion, it blew out most of the windows in the street and made a normal two srory house a bunglaow, killing the four people inside. So call me old fashioned and a nervous nelly, but I'd rather a gas fitter with a good memory....
I'm just off to search the house with a lit candle looking for a gas leak...... Actually... maybe not...my memory isn't that bad, yet!
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