Saturday, September 30, 2023

Some avaition news

 A courious week avaition wise.  A Boeing 767 of Austrian airways diverted for an emergency landing after a strange smell in the cabin.  Not too unusual, except it's the third time this aircraft has suffered an incident in the past 2 years.  Unlucky plane?

 A woman was killed after being hit by a landing aircraft at Broken bow airport, she was mowing the grass by the runway at the time.

 4 different aircraft have hit powerlines and either crashed or made emergency landing, sadly 2 lost their lives.

Theres been a similar run of aircraft landing in water this week, fortunatly with no loss of life, courious how you get a run of similar accidents with no real connection.

Leaves, leaves and .... leaves


 Yes in case you missed the title... it's leaves.



Thursday, September 28, 2023

It's going to be one of those days


Yep, it's going to be one of those days!  I've woken up with a mega headache, which tablets and a short nap haven't got rid of.. that means I'm probably stuck with it till I go to bed tonight.  I cant be bothered to make food for myself, and I'm not that hungry with the headache anyway.

I cant find a USB lead I got yesterday, it's to connect a torch to my phone (long story) it's also a long lead when I only needed about a foot, think this ones 3 metres, still I can live with that..... well if I could find the sod!

My internet seems to be on a go slow, rather like Wales and the daft 20mph idea dreamed up by dozy politicians trying to make it look like they are doing something.  They are, they are ruining Wales.  £32 million to change the road signs, when the Welsh NHS is falling apart.  Well done!

The weather is grim due to storm Agnes or whatever bloody silly name this one has (why do they need a name?) It was a bit windy last night when I was putting my pizza box in the car, but I've seen it a LOT worse, and it's eased off today.  Although to be fair my house is pretty sheltered even though I'm near the coast.

I spent some time yesterday charging batteries.  I have a good few camera batteries, sadly they are not standard, I have three different Canon batteries, Sony and Lumix batteries, thats without all the many varied torch batteries and my new video light battery.  Now I need to shuffle them back into the various bags.  Oh joy.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Stained glass window


 Came across this on my travels yesterday, couldnt resist a few pics.  All shot on my phone.



Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A few black and white Elvis shots.


All given the black and white conversion is silver effects in photoshop.


Monday, September 25, 2023

Elvis weekend Portcawl 2023 (part three)


 This is the last big batch of pics from this event.  As I mentioned in the first post if your in any of the pictures your welcome to download it for your own personal use.  A thank you to all who posed.

All shot on a Canon 5d4 and a Canon 24-105mm L lens.



Sunday, September 24, 2023

Elvis weekend Porthcawl 2023 (part two)


 The second batch of pics from the Elvis weekend this year.


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Elvis weekend Porthcawl 2023 (part one)


Didn't know the Elvis weekend was on.  I went to Portcawl for a wander with the camera and got lucky with lots of pics.

 A big thank you to all who happily posed for me.  Please feell free to download your pics and use them if you want .

 I really enjoyed myself, chatted to a few fellow photographers and had a cup of coffee with my brother and his partner.  All in all a good day out.

 Just a few pics as I'm running out of time, I'll post more tomorrow.