Friday, February 21, 2025

Got a new carabiner


 Yesterday I got given a new carabiner.  Now having done a fair bit of climbing in my past this was nice.  Thing is, it's a beast!

 Now I still got some of my climbing gear, although aluminium  ones were popular, we favored the heavier steel ones.  This was for two reasons, one they were stronger and designed for caving they could take a beating.

 The second reason was the weight.  Mass, the heavier something is the longer it takes to heat up, when your doing a long abseil the carabiner heats up (especially if your going fast like we were) You'd be supprised how hot an alu carabiner can get after a 150 foot on a building on a hot day.

 As we'd sometimes have to stop and hang about then, thats a concern if your on a nylon type rope.  You dont want to melt through. I cant remember ever hearing it happen, but when a "crab" is hot to hold you do wonder.

 That bring us back to this "crab", no way is this bastard going to heat up.  Heck I could abseil the south face of Anapurna, all 9.800 feet of without this beggar heating up.... well, if I haad a rope long enough...

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