Sunday, February 16, 2025

Been busy


 I know theres been no photos for a few days but I've been a busy Wayne.

 To start with I'm moving stuff around in the house, partly for builders to get at stuff, and partly to make room for a new computer desk for the latest computer, which is really seriously in the way at the moment.

 I've also been doing some videos, and the editing takes up time, especially when the bloody computer doesnt like my card reader.  Oh, it's not a case of not seeing it, it's a case of it not fitting at all.  In their wisdom the computer company put the USB ports in a narrow channel, and my card reader is just a bit too big to plug in.

 I did try a male to femaile extension cable, but the compter really didn't like that, so I had to use another computer to copy off the cards, then trasfere with a pen drive.  Why put a USEB port in an akward place, another computer I have has them at floor level pointing down, behind a hinged cover!

 Tomorrow I have the gas fitter coming and tuesday I have a meeting. So busy for the next few days, hopefully I'll get chance to grab some pics along the way. 

 A video still from one of the videos about my camera bag.

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