Sunday, January 12, 2025

Tea or coffee?


 The question is are you a tea or coffee drinker?   Personally I'm more of a tea man..

 That said I do occasionally like a proper coffee (well Douwe Egberts) but I prefere a filter coffee.  Although as I mostly drink coffee to keep me awake, it's only now and again I'll fancy a cup.

 That brings me to the shambles in my house at the moment.  You see a friend gave me a lot of filter coffee, co I dug out my old cafetiere and made a cup, and following the instructions I was given of one tablespoon for half a pot I got a cup of the weakest coffee I've ever had.

 Ok that said I had too much water and the cafetiere might be bigger than the one my friend uses. So try again today.  This time I measure the water my cup hold and just use that amount, and one slightly heaped tablespoon full.

 Well it's better, but only slightly, this isnt going to fire up a sleepy Wayne!  So what am I doing wrong?  Well at this point I check the instruction on the packet.  Ahhhh!

 Well it turns out my mug is about twice the size of a normal cup.  I need two tablespoons to get a normal strength cup of coffee.  Well at least I've figured it out eventually.  The problem is as I only drink coffee every now and again, I'll probably forget by the next time.

 Plus it's a royal PITA.  I have to put in the coffee, add the right amount of water, wait for a few minutes, then press it and pour it.  It's half bloody cold by then.  On the other hand my instant coffee is... well bloody nearly instant.

 Oh sod it I'll have a warp strength cup of tea instead!

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