On the 24th Dec I mentioned two microphones and a viewfunder going missing. Well the items have turned up.
The viewfunder is in it's own pouch and was tucked away and found fairly easily, it was with a few tripods and other stuff.
The microphones on the other are a different issue. They turned up in their box marked microphones in a box of other camera bits and pieces (filters, brackets, some flash leads etc) The proble is I searched this box at least twice.
I'm fairly good at searching, I dont just look in something, I empty it out and replace the contents one by one. It's hard to miss a 6 inch box that your looking for that way. Especially one with microphone written on it, and it's the only box like that in the bigger box of stuff.
I really dont know what to make ot it. It's nobody playing silly buggers. It was just a random thing that I missed them in the first place, nobody else knew I was going to use them even.
Can I be loosing my mind and not seeing the bleeding obvious? Well at my age it's possible, but my memory isnt bad for my age (I can even remember my own name!) and I manage to use lots of complicated gear ok.
Fair enough I forget the odd actors name, but thats just old age and not really caring about his or her name (Walton Goggins is the actor by the way) and to be fair he's a damm good actor, but I digress.
So whats going to happen next? What bit of kit will go AWOL? Buggered if I know!
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