While walking the other night I got to thinking about life, the universe, and everything (and no it's not 42) Douglas Adams fans will understand that bit.
But being serious life is fairly fleeting, oh we think living toll 80 or 90 is a good age, and it is. Indeed in the early 1800's the average life expectany was around 40, and in the middle ages it was closer to 30. So yes, 80 or 90 is a good innings.
Yet when you look at it more long term, it's a bit crap. Man as we know him/her Homo Sapiens have only been around for about a 190.000 years. Even the oldest spieces of human has been around for 7 million years, yet earth have been here about 4.5 billion years. Our puny 190.000 looks small by comparrison.
The earth as we know it was very different just a 180 millon years ago, the continents were mostly all joined up. This makes you think. In another 180 million years what will it look like? Remember the continets are still moving, ok it's jolly slow, but move they do.
So the things we take as fixed points, America, Everest, the North pole, whatever, wont always be there. In about 400 million years there will be no trace of mankind if we died out now. (the earth crust recycles itself over time) Thats a sobering thought. With wars, pandemics and climate changes (the last ice age was only about 100.000 years ago) who know how long we might last.
Then the REALLY long term. Earth will cease to exist in around 4.3 billion years, experts expect our sun to expand as it dies and become a red giant, swallowing earth.
Ok, thats a bloody long time away, so no need to rehome the cat and cancel the milk and window cleaner. But maybe investing in some factor 40 million sun cream? Maybe not.
But on a closer to home note, think of your friends, family and neighbours. They wont always be around. Yes they may seem solid and permenent, but sadly one day they will be gone. Often without warning. So make sure the people you care about know, that you care about them.
Give them a hug, ring them and say I was mising you, whatever. Maybe when they do go you will feel that bit better for knowing they had nice thoughts of you. And whan your time comes, you'll know people cared about you too. As the old saying goes never part on an argument.
Who knows, maybe it'll make the world a better place now.