Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Real screams in the night and new bigfoot tv series... (more luminate pics coming soon)

  Back on June the 16th in my post titled big footsteps I recounted a story of screams in my local woods.

 Well fast forward to this week and I have a similar but different experience.

 I'm nearly home, just passing whats called locally as the dark woods (name explained in the june 16th post) and I hear quite loud scrams from the woods.  Now these are nowhere near as loud as the ones I heard back in june, those I could here in my kitchen, but they are proper screams and it's clearly an animal of some sort in trouble.

 Those of you who follow the blog know I always carry a torch (I'm Wayne and I'm a torch-aholic) So out comes the small torch, maybe torch isn't really the right word, it's more a collapsed star brightness wise, I hit the button and into the woods I go.

 Now to be fair I'm not really worried, I live in Britain and we don't have bears or much in the way of dangerous animals, ok there was a puma reported spotted on the hills behind the woods years back, the local police even tried to shoot it but missed, but apart from being attacked by a badger (and thats not exactly a big risk) I'm pretty safe.  Besides which it's like daylight in the woods now with the torch on.

 Into the woods I go, I have to go in quite a way as the screams are a lot further in than last time.  Plus they stop evey now and then so I have to wait for them to restart to find them. Eventually after a hundred yards or so so in I narrow down the location.  It's up in the bloody trees!  Great I can't see bugger all up there, theres enough branches and still plenty of leaves to block my view even with 200 trillon candle power smoking in my hand.   

Well at least it's not foxes, owls is my guess, theres a lot of them around where I live, I hear them all the time hooting.  Now I mentioned earlier theres nothing dangerious (much) in my area, owls are different, mess with them and they'll rip you to pieces. Normally they wont bother you, start trying to tickle one and you'll never play the violin again.


 Now the new bigfoot series, Alaskan Killer bigfoot started I think last night, now I have two episodes to watch so I can't tell you anything much yet, except.....  it's probably going to be awful. For some reason no tv company can make a proper series about bigfoot, some say theres a conspiricy to stop people taking the very real bigfoot seriously, some say bigfoot doesn't exist in the first place.  More likely tv companys are too lazy and inept to do it properly.

 Factor in the lack of bugger all really happening for ages and they start adding fake drama to make a bunch of twits in the woods more exciting.  Maybe  I'm wrong and this series is the best ever made.... I'll let you know tomorrow!

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