Saturday, July 18, 2020

I've done it! I've lightened my bag....

 Yeah!  my bag is lighter.... Booo  I had to take stuff out.
 Yes, there was just no way it was going to work as a walk around kit with the weight.  I had no choice.  Am I happy NO! I'm bloody not but I really had reached my limit for carrying the bloody thing.
 Truth be told I have a back problem. 
 I have had a long standing back injury going way back caused by...  wait for it... carrying too much weight (yes I didn't learn bugger all) mind that was back in my military days where we'd run up and down mountains carrying a house on our backs.
 Thing is it playes up from time to time, I've been fairly lucky recently but now with this bag I'm pushing my luck.  I had pains last night and I know theres trapped nerves there again, I'm used to that but I can't afford to be laid up by making it worse.
 So with much regret I've pulled as much as I can and still leave a reasonable walk around kit.
 Now it's just one body (the lightest) my walk around zoom, a 50mm and a 105mm macro, my long lens and my flash, video light and a mike.  I've also dumped a lot of spare batteries and other odd's and ends.
 Is this the new kit forever....  Errr no.  I'll swop stuff around as I need it, obviously for jobs theres going to be a lot more and the second cameras a must.  But for wandering along the cliffs, or to a waterfall this kit should do the job nicely.
 In the long term I may think about a new kit totally, perhaps switching to small lighter cameras....  But don't hold your breath, I like the cameras I use now...

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